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We strive for excellence in customer service to accommodate visitors with disabilities. The information found in the following sections was derived from various sources such as the W3C World Wide Web Consortium and other related sites. As a government agency we are required to comply with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Screen Readers and Other Visual Aid Technologies

This website provides full explanations and details for acronyms and abbreviations as much as possible. If you find areas that did not offer this where it was necessary or would have been helpful, please contact MPH.

About Americans with Disabilities Act

As part of our ongoing work towards adherence to ADA compliancy standards we are making every effort to convert our website content to a standard compliant with the guidelines established in the Web Accessibility Guidelines on the World Wide Web Consortium website.

If there is downloadable content on this website, we will attempt to ensure that all downloadable content is available in more than one format. For example, Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat’s Portable Document Format or PDF, or plain text format are additional formats available for most content. Due to the nature of some content, such as maps, these can only be made available in its original format in order to preserve. If you require special formats other than what is available please send your request to the department or office using their online contact information.

If you need any special assistance while accessing any MPH service, please call Lily Walsh, Communications Officer, at 406-880-0317 or by email at [email protected]. MPH staff is happy to provide auxiliary aids and services.