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Building conditions that support the health of people, environments, and communities.

A father and son on basketball court, smiling at the camera.

September 26th-October 10th

Missoula Public Health & MT CareVan Flu & Covid Shot Mobile Clinics

About us

Striving to provide a brighter future for all.

Missoula Public Health is proud to be the first accredited health department in Montana among the first 33 health departments to receive accredited status nation-wide.

Missoula Public Health has provided the foundational public health service to Missoula County and surrounding areas. These essential public health services promote and protect the health of our people, communities, animals, environment, and businesses. With dedicated, knowledgeable, caring staff, Missoula Public Health strives to provide data-driven, equity-focused services, education and resources.

Learn about current job opportunities

Missoula Public Health offers a wide array of job opportunities. From providing immunizations to protecting water quality, our staff protects the health of our community.

This Season

Donate to help animals in Missoula County!

Missoula Animal Control is expanding! We are overjoyed to be moving from the years-long planning stage intomaking this project a reality. The project will provide better spaces for animals, the public and the staff. And we can’t do it without the help from our community!