Coalitions at Missoula Public Health
Click below to learn more about our community coalitions, their current projects, and how to get involved!
5-2-1-0 Let’s Move! Missoula Steering Committee
5-2-1-0 Let’s Move! Missoula believe that every child, family, and person should have the opportunity to live a healthier life.
They help make sure that everyone has access to places and things that promote good habits for staying healthy. If your business or agency wants to work with us, please send us an email. We’d love to collaborate! The steering committee meets every other month on the Second Friday of the month from 12:00pm to 1:30pm.
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Current Projects
- Let’s Move! is currently looking for volunteers for the Midday Move active recess program. Learm more about volunteering for Midday Move.
- 5210 Let’s Move! Missoula Affiliate Program
Emergency Preparedness – Access and Functional Needs Subcommittee
The Access and Functional Needs (AFN) Subcommittee wants everyone in Missoula County to be ready for and able to recover from emergencies and disasters.
We meet every three months with different groups like local government, businesses, tribes, and non-profits to make sure that everyone, including those with special needs, is included in Missoula Public Health’s emergency plans.
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Current Projects
Drive Safe Missoula
The Missoula Buckle Up Montana Coalition and DUI Task Force work together to keep our community safe.
Their main goals are to encourage everyone to wear seat belts in cars and prevent accidents caused by drunk driving. They raise awareness about the importance of buckling up and educate the community about the risks of driving under the influence. By working towards these goals, they aim to make our streets safer and protect everyone in Missoula. We meet quarterly virtually.
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Current Projects
Fetal, Infant, Child Maternal Mortality Review
The Fetal, Infant, Child, Maternal Mortality Review Program (FICMMR) is a statewide-effort to reduce preventable fetal, infant, child, and maternal deaths.
The FICMMR review teams identify gaps, barriers, and risk factors, and works in partnership to strengthen systems. The FICMMR teams form alliances and mobilize resources to educate communities to reduce preventable deaths. The goal of the FICMMR program is to reduce risk factors and decrease the number of preventable deaths through educational outreach, and evidence-based and best-practice prevention initiatives.
For more information: National Center for Fatality Review and Prevention
Frenchtown Community Coalition
The Frenchtown Community Coalition (FCC) is a group in Frenchtown, MT that wants to prevent young people from using harmful substances, like drugs and alcohol.
They started in 2008 and have two main goals:
- To unite the community around helping young people.
- To decrease the amount of young people who use drugs and alcohol.
The FCC achieves this by including young people and getting different parts of the community to work together. We want to make sure things that might make young people use drugs happen less, and we want to make sure things that help young people make good choices happen more. By working together, we can help young people grow up to be healthy and able to handle tough situations.
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Healthy Missoula Youth
Healthy Missoula Youth is a group led by Missoula Public Health, along with many community partners. Together, we work to protect young people from the harms of substance use.
Our goal is to lower the rates of alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, and other harmful substance use among youth. We have a vision of a vibrant Missoula County where both individuals and families receive community support and are able to make healthy choices around substances. By working together and using effective methods, we aim to create a safe and positive environment for local youth, helping them make informed decisions and lead successful lives.
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Healthy Start Missoula
Healthy Start Missoula is a community coalition working to connect families with young children to parenting support.
They work with Families First Learning Lab to sign up families for Bright by Text. This program sends messages about free local stuff to do and parenting tips. They also keep the LIFTS website up to date for families with kids under 3.
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Make Your Move! Missoula
The Make Your Move! Missoula coalition partners with different organizations and agencies to create strategies and programs that prevent relationship violence.
Their goal is to make sure that everyone in our community feels safe and respected in their relationships. We believe in building a community where love and kindness flourish, and violence has no place. Make Your Move! currently meets virtually on the fourth Monday of the month at 10:00am. Contact us to get involved!
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Current Projects
Missoula Drug Safety Coalition
Missoula Drug Safety Coalition is led by Missoula Public Health, along with many community partners.
We want a community where every life is valued and where fatal overdoses are prevented. Our goal is to impact culture, policies and programs in Missoula County to save lives, reduce risk, and remove barriers to care for all.
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Current Projects
Perinatal Substance Use Network
The Perinatal Substance Use Network is a community collaborative group working to reduce child removals due to substance use during and after pregnancy.
The group is working to better support families that disclose substance use during pregnancy, and to increase access to supportive care.
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Project Tomorrow Montana
Project Tomorrow Montana is a coalition that works to make sure fewer people die by suicide.
We do this by working with community partners on projects that increase awareness, promote prevention, and support intervention. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 1pm. Contact us to get involved!
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