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Public Accommodations

Licensed Establishment Sanitarians are available for calls and walk-in questions
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 12:00pm & 1 :00pm – 5:00pm
Closed noon – 1:00pm for lunch

406.258.4755 or

Public accommodations, such as hotels, tourist homes, bed and breakfasts, and campgrounds or trailer courts provide lodging to the public. These facilities need to be licensed to operate. Before a license is issued, an application must be submitted to our department for review. Existing facilities that remodel or change ownership also require review.

Inspections are conducted annually by our sanitarians for compliance with state rules. These inspections are public record and can be viewed here or at our office.

Guidelines for an Efficient Review Process

While most reviews are usually completed within a couple of weeks, they may take between 30-60 days depending on staff resources and the completeness of the application submitted.

To make your review process as fast and easy as possible, ensure the following:

  • Submit a completed application that is easy to read.
  • Be prepared to pay for the application when it is submitted.
  • If something asked in the application does not apply to your operation, don’t leave it blank, write N/A.
  • Plan ahead so that the project is not delayed.
  • Check-in with other agencies (if applicable) during the review process.
  • Do not start construction or remodeling prior to getting an approval letter.
  • Submit an application that reflects how you intend to operate at the time of licensing.
  • Submit the final copies of your floor plan as changes may result in delays or additional fees.
  • Respond quickly to questions from the reviewer.
Items to Submit

Items to Submit:

Accessibility Improvements in Progress
We are working on our website and forms to make sure they are accessible for all users. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we work to make these updates. Please contact us if you find any accessibility issues. Also, please reach out if you need help getting information or forms. You can find us at or 406.258.4755

  • Application form completed and signed.
  • Site plan showing:
    • Location and footprint of the building(s) and outdoor swimming or bathing/spa areas,
    • Roads on/adjacent to the parcel, parking area, and driveways,
    • Location of outdoor solid waste receptacle(s), and/or recycled material bins,
    • If applicable, add the following:
      • Location of well and schematic of water supply coming into the building,
      • Location and schematic of septic system and/or sanitary sewer line from the building,
      • Location of surface water (river, creek, pond, etcetera),
      • Location of boundary lines.
  • Floor plan of the Tourist Home, with all rooms labeled; including all sleeping rooms, bathrooms, storage areas (including clean bedding/linens/towels, and cleaning supplies), laundry/janitorial rooms, and kitchen. Show all sinks, beds/futons/sleeper sofas, and major appliances (laundry machines, hot-water heaters, refrigerators, etc.).
  • Septic permit if applicable.
  • Well log or other information regarding the construction and source of a private water supply, if applicable.
Other Licenses and Regulatory Agencies

Other Licenses and Regulatory Agencies

  • There are many codes that you may need to comply with including those from building, fire, wastewater treatment plant, zoning, and the department of revenue. While it is not the health department’s responsibility to enforce their codes, there may be instances where you cannot be approved to operate until you comply with their regulations.
  • A business registration is required if you operate in the City of Missoula.


\r\n\tI agree for my personal data to be processed by <\/span>, for the purpose(s) of <\/span>.\r\n<\/p>\r\n\r\n

\t\r\n\tI agree for my personal data, provided via map API calls, to be processed by the API provider, for the purposes of geocoding (converting addresses to coordinates), reverse geocoding and\tgenerating directions.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tSome visual components of WP Go Maps use 3rd party libraries which are loaded over the network. At present the libraries are Google Maps, Open Street Map, jQuery DataTables and FontAwesome. When loading resources over a network, the 3rd party server will receive your IP address and User Agent string amongst other details. Please refer to the Privacy Policy of the respective libraries for details on how they use data and the process to exercise your rights under the GDPR regulations.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tWP Go Maps uses jQuery DataTables to display sortable, searchable tables, such as that seen in the Advanced Marker Listing and on the Map Edit Page. jQuery DataTables in certain circumstances uses a cookie to save and later recall the \"state\" of a given table - that is, the search term, sort column and order and current page. This data is held in local storage and retained until this is cleared manually. No libraries used by WP Go Maps transmit this information.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tPlease see here<\/a> and here<\/a> for Google's terms. Please also see Google's Privacy Policy<\/a>. We do not send the API provider any personally identifying information, or information that could uniquely identify your device.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tWhere this notice is displayed in place of a map, agreeing to this notice will store a cookie recording your agreement so you are not prompted again.\r\n<\/p>","wpgmza_gdpr_company_name":"Missoula Public Health","wpgmza_gdpr_retention_purpose":"displaying map tiles, geocoding addresses and calculating and display directions.","wpgmza_gdpr_button_label":"I agree","wpgmza_marker_xml_url":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/wp-google-maps\/","wpgmza_maps_engine":"google-maps","wpgmza_maps_engine_dialog_done":true,"wpgmza_google_maps_api_key":"QUl6YVN5QXJINkVnQ0JBd3NBX3JybjBtVWhJVng4elFUSkU1MlIw","tile_server_url":"https:\/\/{a-c}\/{z}\/{x}\/{y}.png","action":"wpgmza_save_settings","wpgmza_settings_map_full_screen_control":false,"wpgmza_settings_map_streetview":false,"wpgmza_settings_map_zoom":false,"wpgmza_settings_map_pan":false,"wpgmza_settings_map_type":false,"wpgmza_settings_map_tilt_controls":false,"wpgmza_settings_map_scroll":false,"wpgmza_settings_map_draggable":false,"wpgmza_settings_map_clickzoom":false,"wpgmza_settings_cat_logic":"0","wpgmza_settings_filterbycat_type":"1","use_fontawesome":"4.*","tile_server_url_override":"","wpgmza_load_engine_api_condition":"where-required","wpgmza_always_include_engine_api_on_pages":"","wpgmza_always_exclude_engine_api_on_pages":"","wpgmza_prevent_other_plugins_and_theme_loading_api":false,"wpgmza_settings_access_level":"manage_options","wpgmza_settings_retina_width":"","wpgmza_settings_retina_height":"","wpgmza_force_greedy_gestures":false,"disable_lightbox_images":false,"gallery_item_source_size":null,"wpgmza_settings_image_resizing":false,"wpgmza_settings_image_width":"","wpgmza_settings_image_height":"","wpgmza_settings_infowindow_width":"","wpgmza_settings_infowindow_links":false,"wpgmza_settings_infowindow_address":false,"infowindow_hide_category":false,"wpgmza_settings_infowindow_link_text":"","wpgmza_settings_map_open_marker_by":"1","wpgmza_settings_disable_infowindows":false,"wpgmza_settings_markerlist_icon":false,"wpgmza_settings_markerlist_link":false,"wpgmza_settings_markerlist_title":false,"wpgmza_settings_markerlist_address":false,"wpgmza_settings_markerlist_category":false,"wpgmza_settings_markerlist_description":false,"wpgmza_do_not_enqueue_datatables":false,"wpgmza_default_items":null,"wpgmza_settings_carousel_markerlist_theme":null,"wpgmza_settings_carousel_markerlist_image":false,"wpgmza_settings_carousel_markerlist_title":false,"wpgmza_settings_carousel_markerlist_icon":false,"wpgmza_settings_carousel_markerlist_address":false,"wpgmza_settings_carousel_markerlist_description":false,"wpgmza_settings_carousel_markerlist_marker_link":false,"wpgmza_settings_carousel_markerlist_directions":false,"wpgmza_settings_carousel_markerlist_resize_image":false,"carousel_lazyload":false,"carousel_autoheight":false,"carousel_pagination":false,"carousel_navigation":false,"wpgmza_do_not_enqueue_owl_carousel":false,"wpgmza_do_not_enqueue_owl_carousel_themes":false,"carousel_items":"5","carousel_items_tablet":"3","carousel_items_mobile":"1","carousel_autoplay":"5000","wpgmza_store_locator_radii":"","importer_google_maps_api_key":"","open_layers_api_key":"","open_route_service_key":"","wpgmza_settings_marker_pull":"0","wpgmza_custom_css":"","wpgmza_custom_js":"","disable_compressed_path_variables":false,"disable_autoptimize_compatibility_fix":false,"enable_dynamic_sql_refac_filter":false,"disable_automatic_backups":false,"disable_google_fonts":false,"wpgmza_developer_mode":false,"wpgmza_gdpr_require_consent_before_load":false,"wpgmza_gdpr_override_notice":false,"wpgmza_gdpr_notice_override_text":"","accessLevel":"manage_options","alwaysExcludeEngineApiOnPages":"","alwaysIncludeEngineApiOnPages":"","carouselAutoplay":"5000","carouselItems":"5","carouselItemsMobile":"1","carouselItemsTablet":"3","carouselMarkerlistResizeImage":false,"carouselTheme":null,"categoryFilterDisplay":"dropdown","categoryFilteringLogic":"or","customCss":"","customJs":"","defaultMarkerIcon":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/wp-google-maps\/images\/spotlight-poi3.png","developerMode":false,"disableAutomaticBackups":false,"disableAutoptimizeCompatibilityFix":false,"disableCompressedPathVariables":false,"disableDoubleClickZoom":false,"disableDragPanning":false,"disableFullScreenControl":false,"disableGoogleFonts":false,"disableInfoWindows":false,"disableLightboxImages":false,"disableMouseWheelZoom":false,"disablePanControl":false,"disableStreetViewControl":false,"disableTypeControl":false,"disableZoomControl":false,"doNotEnqueueDatatables":false,"doNotEnqueueOwlCarousel":false,"doNotEnqueueOwlCarouselThemes":false,"enableCarouselAutoHeight":false,"enableCarouselLazyLoad":false,"enableCarouselNavigation":false,"enableCarouselPagination":false,"enableDynamicSqlRefacFilter":false,"forceGreedyGestures":false,"galleryItemSourceSize":null,"gdprButtonLabel":"I agree","gdprCompanyName":"Missoula Public Health","gdprDefaultNotice":"

\r\n\tI agree for my personal data to be processed by <\/span>, for the purpose(s) of <\/span>.\r\n<\/p>\r\n\r\n

\t\r\n\tI agree for my personal data, provided via map API calls, to be processed by the API provider, for the purposes of geocoding (converting addresses to coordinates), reverse geocoding and\tgenerating directions.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tSome visual components of WP Go Maps use 3rd party libraries which are loaded over the network. At present the libraries are Google Maps, Open Street Map, jQuery DataTables and FontAwesome. When loading resources over a network, the 3rd party server will receive your IP address and User Agent string amongst other details. Please refer to the Privacy Policy of the respective libraries for details on how they use data and the process to exercise your rights under the GDPR regulations.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tWP Go Maps uses jQuery DataTables to display sortable, searchable tables, such as that seen in the Advanced Marker Listing and on the Map Edit Page. jQuery DataTables in certain circumstances uses a cookie to save and later recall the \"state\" of a given table - that is, the search term, sort column and order and current page. This data is held in local storage and retained until this is cleared manually. No libraries used by WP Go Maps transmit this information.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tPlease see here<\/a> and here<\/a> for Google's terms. Please also see Google's Privacy Policy<\/a>. We do not send the API provider any personally identifying information, or information that could uniquely identify your device.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tWhere this notice is displayed in place of a map, agreeing to this notice will store a cookie recording your agreement so you are not prompted again.\r\n<\/p>","gdprEnabled":1,"gdprNoticeOverrideText":"","gdprOverrideNotice":false,"gdprRequireConsentBeforeLoad":false,"gdprRetentionPurpose":"displaying map tiles, geocoding addresses and calculating and display directions.","googleMapsApiKey":"QUl6YVN5QXJINkVnQ0JBd3NBX3JybjBtVWhJVng4elFUSkU1MlIw","hideCarouselMarkerListingAddress":false,"hideCarouselMarkerListingDescription":false,"hideCarouselMarkerListingDirections":false,"hideCarouselMarkerListingIcon":false,"hideCarouselMarkerListingImage":false,"hideCarouselMarkerListingLink":false,"hideCarouselMarkerListingTitle":false,"hideMarkerListingAddress":false,"hideMarkerListingCategory":false,"hideMarkerListingDescription":false,"hideMarkerListingIcon":false,"hideMarkerListingLink":false,"hideMarkerListingTitle":false,"importerGoogleMapsApiKey":"","infoWindowAddress":false,"infoWindowHideCategory":false,"infoWindowImageHeight":"","infoWindowImageResizing":false,"infoWindowImageWidth":"","infoWindowLinkText":"","infoWindowLinks":false,"infoWindowMaxWidth":"","internalEngine":"legacy","loadEngineApiCondition":"where-required","mapTiltControls":false,"mapsEngineDialogDone":true,"markerListingPageSize":null,"markerPull":"database","markerXmlUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/wp-google-maps\/","openInfoWindowEvent":"click","openLayersApiKey":"","openRouteServiceKey":"","preventOtherPluginsAndThemeLoadingApi":false,"retinaHeight":"","retinaWidth":"","storeLocatorRadii":"","tileServerUrl":"https:\/\/{a-c}\/{z}\/{x}\/{y}.png","tileServerUrlOverride":"","useFontAwesome":"4.*","userInterfaceStyle":"default"},"stylingSettings":{},"currentPage":null,"userCanAdministrator":"0","serverCanInflate":"1","localized_strings":{"unsecure_geolocation":"Many browsers are no longer allowing geolocation from unsecured origins. You will need to secure your site with an SSL certificate (HTTPS) or this feature may not work for your visitors","use_my_location":"Use my location","google_api_not_loaded":"The map cannot be initialized because the Maps API has not been loaded. Please check your settings.","no_google_maps_api_key":"You have not entered a Google Maps API Key<\/b>.

Please go to the your admin area, then Maps, then Settings, then the Advanced tab to
enter your Google Maps API key<\/a>.

choose the Open Layers engine<\/a> to avoid getting an API key.","documentation":"Documentation","api_dashboard":"API Dashboard","verify_project":"Verify Project","no_shape_circle":"Please create the circle first.","no_shape_rectangle":"Please create the rectangle first.","no_shape_polygon":"Please create the polygon first.","no_shape_polyline":"Please create the polyline first.","failed_to_get_address":"Failed to get address","failed_to_create_marker":"Failed to create marker %d - this marker cannot be placed on the map.","my_location":"My Location","kilometers_away":"km away","miles_away":"miles away","import_completed":"Import completed.","importing_please_wait":"Importing, this may take a moment...","no_address_specified":"No address specified","add_marker":"Add Marker","save_marker":"Save Marker","please_wait":"Please Wait...","zero_results":"No results found in this location. Please try again.","address_not_found":"This address could not be found. WP Go Maps uses a 3rd party service (eg Google) to convert addresses to geographic coordinates. Unfortunately, the service has no records for this address at present. Please try an alternative format, or manually position the marker using right click.","geocode_fail":"Geocode failed due to technical reasons","you_must_check_gdpr_consent":"You must check the GDPR consent box to continue","no_gps_coordinates":"No GPS coordinates found","fetching_directions":"Fetching directions...","unknown_directions_service_status":"Unknown directions service status","please_fill_out_both_from_and_to_fields":"Please fill out both the \"from\" and \"to\" fields","no_picture_found":"No picture found","overwrite_theme_data":"Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing theme data?","upload_complete":"Upload Complete","uploading_file":"Uploading file","bulk_jpeg_media_title":"WP Go Maps - Bulk JPEG Upload","from_your_location":"from your location","from_searched_location":"from searched location","yes":"Yes","no":"No","requires_gold_v5":"Requires WP Go Maps - Gold add-on 5.0.0 or above","confirm_remove_duplicates":"This operation is not reversable. We recommend you take a backup before proceeding. Would you like to continue?","invalid_theme_data":"Invalid theme data","duplicate_custom_field_name":"Duplicate custom field names, please ensure you only add unique custom field names.","disabled_interactions_notice":"Some interactions are disabled.","interactions_enabled_notice":"Interactions Enabled","disabled_interactions_button":"Re-Enable Interactions","use_two_fingers":"Use two fingers to move the map","use_ctrl_scroll_to_zoom":"Use ctrl + scroll to zoom the map","geocode_was_not_successful":"Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ","geocoding_library_notice":"Geocoding this address failed. Please check you have enabled the Geocoding API for your Google Maps API project.","map_delete_prompt_text":"Are you sure you want to delete this map?","map_bulk_delete_prompt_text":"Are you sure you want to delete these maps?","general_delete_prompt_text":"Are you sure you want to delete this data?","new_map":"New Map","all":"All","cloud_api_key_error_1":"Autocomplete disabled. Find out more<\/a>."},"api_consent_html":"

\r\n\tI agree for my personal data to be processed by Missoula Public Health<\/span>, for the purpose(s) of displaying map tiles, geocoding addresses and calculating and display directions.<\/span>.\r\n<\/p>\r\n\r\n

\t\r\n\tI agree for my personal data, provided via map API calls, to be processed by the API provider, for the purposes of geocoding (converting addresses to coordinates), reverse geocoding and\tgenerating directions.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tSome visual components of WP Go Maps use 3rd party libraries which are loaded over the network. At present the libraries are Google Maps, Open Street Map, jQuery DataTables and FontAwesome. When loading resources over a network, the 3rd party server will receive your IP address and User Agent string amongst other details. Please refer to the Privacy Policy of the respective libraries for details on how they use data and the process to exercise your rights under the GDPR regulations.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tWP Go Maps uses jQuery DataTables to display sortable, searchable tables, such as that seen in the Advanced Marker Listing and on the Map Edit Page. jQuery DataTables in certain circumstances uses a cookie to save and later recall the \"state\" of a given table - that is, the search term, sort column and order and current page. This data is held in local storage and retained until this is cleared manually. No libraries used by WP Go Maps transmit this information.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tPlease see here<\/a> and here<\/a> for Google's terms. Please also see Google's Privacy Policy<\/a>. We do not send the API provider any personally identifying information, or information that could uniquely identify your device.\r\n<\/p>\r\n

\r\n\tWhere this notice is displayed in place of a map, agreeing to this notice will store a cookie recording your agreement so you are not prompted again.\r\n<\/p>