Paving Permit Review – Residential & No Paving Required (B&C)
Paving Permit Residential (A)
Paving Permit Commercial
Pellet Stove
Outdoor Burn Permit
Copy Fees
Number of Copies
First 4 pages
Each addition page
Dog License Fees
License Type/Description
Puppy (For all dogs under 1 year of age)
Altered (Spayed or Neutered)
Unaltered (Not Spayed or Neutered)
Senior – Altered (Dog owner is 65 years and older)
Senior – Unaltered (Dog owner is 65 years and older)
County Kennel License (6 or more dogs) – Must call our office to apply.
$100 – $150
$100 – $150
$100 – $150
City Multiple Pet Permit (3 or more dogs)
Chicken Permit (City)
County Kennel License (6 or more dogs) – Must call our office to apply.
$100 – $150
City Multiple Pet Permit (3 or more dogs)
$75 initial, then $10 annually
Ground Water Monitoring
Base Fee (first monitoring pipe)
Distance Charge (distance to site, one-way from Health Department, 1-time charge)
Each Addition monitoring pipe
Land Applications & Permit Fees
Septic Permits Fees
Septic Application (in addition to Permit fee)
Application Fee (non-refundable)
Septic Permit
Septic tank only (or addition connection only)
Conventional drainfield using gravity distribution
Seepage Pit, Absorption Bed, Conventional drainfield using pressure distribution
Pit Privy or Waterless Toilet
Other Alternative System
Experimental System construction permit
Experimental System annual fee
Temporary Septic Permit (does not require application fee)
Other Fees
Pressure Distribution Sizing
Septic Determination
Septic Re-inspection or Site Visit
Septic Installer Certification (New)
Septic Installer Annual Renewal
Site Evaluations
Site Evaluations
Per proposed septic system site
Non-degradation Analysis (categorical exemption, N groundwater analysis, P breakthrough)
Non-degradation Analysis (adjacent to surface water, must have stream flow data)
Approved Site Evaluator Test
Subdivision Submittals
Local charge per application submittal
Local charge per reviewed lot
Exempt lot within Sanitation Review Application (per lot)
Review of Subdivision Exemption Requests
Well Permits
New Permit
Extra Site Visit
Re-inspection Fee
Change of Location Fee
Large Group Function Permit Fees
Based on Date Application submitted
30 or more days before event
15-29 days before event
7-14 days before event
Less than 7 days days before event
*** For a Multiple day or recurring event, add $100 to total fee
Licensed Establishments Plan Review & Permit Fees
Plan Review Fees
Full Plan Review
Basic Plan Review Fee
Modified Plan Review (e.g. minor remodel, menu or equipment change, new operation in existing licensed facility)
*Change of Ownership Plan Review
HACCP or Food Process Review
Non-public water supply review
Resubmittal Fee due to incomplete application
Additional pre-licensing inspection
*Change of Ownership applies if you are purchasing a preexisting food establishment with no plans to change menu or equipment
Temporary food service
Temporary Food Service Plan Review – Based on Date of Submission
Five or more days before event
3 or 4 days before event
1 to 2 days before event
Day of event
Temporary Food Service Permit Fees
Single day event
Multiple day event
Recurring event
*A “small” TFS is one that has no more than 2 employees working at any one time. **A “large” TFS is one that has 3 or more employees working at any one time.
Type of Inspection
Food Safety Re-inspection
Special Inspection (non-regulatory, at request of the applicant)
Trailer Court Re-Inspections
Miscellaneous Staff Work
Staff Work per hour
Radon Test Kits
Radon Test Kit
Variance Application (Health Code)
Variance Application
Water Lab Services
Total Coliform (Presence/Absence) – 0-29 samples per month
Total Coliform (Presence/Absence) – 30 or more samples per month
Total Coliform (Presence/Absence) – Quanti-tray (mpn)
Heterotrophic Plate Count
Mailing fee per bottle
Replacement bottle
Water Sampling – Staff Collected (includes P/A analysis for one sample)
Water Quality Pollution Prevention Permit Fee Schedule
New Permit Fee
Renewal Permit Fee
Facility with 3 or less regulated substances above threshold.
Facility with >3 regulated substances above threshold.
Fueling Facility with 3 or less regulated substances above threshold
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