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Missoula City-County Health Department Rebranding to‘Missoula Public Health’

The Missoula City-County Health Department (MCCHD) is excited to announce they are rebranding to ‘Missoula Public Health.’ This transformation includes a new logo with new colors and a new visual identity to make it more recognizable to the community. Missoula Public Health (MPH) will continue the same mission to build conditions that support the health of people, environments and communities.

The key elements include a new name, new logo, new website, new signage on the interior and exterior of the building and a new color scheme. The new logo and colors made their first public appearance at the Western Montana Fair in August when health department staff were tabling for the event. The rebrand is an effort to strengthen the health department’s presence and relationship within Missoula. The new name is shorter, easier to remember and aligns with other organizations such as the Missoula Public Library.

“We’re excited to bring this new brand to our work, because it represents our efforts to be a warmer, more welcoming service provider to our community,” said Damian Chase-Begay, Health Officer and Director at Missoula Public Health. “We wanted to modernize our logo as we work to improve our online capabilities—we want to be accessible to as many community members as possible, and for many people that means we need to do more business online.”

The decision to rebrand MCCHD started when the leadership team brought the idea to the Board of Health in 2022.

Stay updated on MPH’s transformative journey through social media channels:

Facebook: @Missoula Public Health
Twitter: @MslaHealthDept
Instagram: @Missoula_Public_Health
Threads: @Missoula_Public_Health