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Screening and Testing

Missoula Public Health offers a variety of screening and testing services in our clinic. Please call 406.258.3363 for more information about these services.

Available Services

Antibody & Vaccine Titers

Antibody & Vaccine Titers are blood tests that check for immunity to a disease from prior illness or from being vaccinated. Some employers (ex. healthcare) may require titers to show immunity to certain diseases for your protection. Our nurses will help you decide if an antibody test is recommended for you. We offer the following antibody/titer blood tests:

  • Hepatitis B
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rabies
  • Rubella
  • Varicella
Lead Screening

Lead screening is a routine part of well-child checks as lead poisoning continues to be a significant threat and can cause adverse health outcomes. Certain hobbies or work activities can put some people at higher risk of being exposed to lead. If you have concerns about lead exposure, you should get tested. We offer two types of tests in our clinic which our nurses will help decide which is the best option for you:

  • Capillary test: this is used for young children and is a simple finger-prick or heel-prick.
  • Venous test: this is a blood sample.

For more information about lead exposures and lead screening, please view the MT DPHHS Leading Poisoning Prevention page.

Lice Screening

Head lice is common in childcare or school settings where young children may share hats, coats, or other clothing. If you have concerns about head lice, you can come to our clinic for a lice check. The nurse will check for nits and lice. We can help provide education on prevention and treatment of lice. For more information, you can view the CDC’s page on head lice.

TB Testing & Screening

Some employers and other settings such as post-secondary education may require tuberculosis screening. We offer two types of TB testing in our clinic. Our nurses will help you decide which test is best for you.

  • PPD or 2-step: this is an intra-dermal skin test that is placed on your forearm. You must be able to come back within 3-days of placement to have the results read. We place and read tests on the following week-days:
    • Mondays place the test – Thursdays read results
    • Tuesdays place the test – Fridays read the results
    • Fridays place the test – Mondays read the results.
  • Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRAs): this is a blood test. (No testing on Fridays)

Clinic Location

The front desk of the Immunization Clinic at Missoula Public Health.

301 West Alder Street
Missoula, MT 59802

Clinic Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

10:00 AM to 4:30PM